
Ep 104 – Margin of Safety Part 1

The strong savvy cyclist & triathlete podcast

Those who’ve poked their noses into the world of value investing will recognize this term, but we’re not talking about stocks…. we’re talking about YOU and your training!

In this episode we use the comparison of the 3 kinds of stock traders:

“Flash Boys” (a la Michael Lewis’s book) Day Traders Value Investors
to help get across to the 3 different kinds of endurance athletes:

Tech Geeks/ Super mathematicians Evidence Based Know Thyself
And how through better self understanding of what kind of endurance athlete you are, how you can best guide yourself to better build in a Margin of Safety in your training, by training less, and focusing on the things that help you most.




Coming Soon!


Picture of Menachem Brodie

Menachem Brodie

Coaching since 2000, Menachem Brodie has been working with athletes in a number of settings, and a broad variety of sports.


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